Tag Archives: humor

Revisiting the banking thing

it’s my sole observation at this time that the markets apparently were willing to grant the Eurozone more than the six weeks I negatively prognosticated.  Not feeling confident that all is well in hand.  Far from it.  Just confounded by the pace at which the actual world works, as opposed to the projections possible within a sideways-tree-visualized quantitative stochastic model entirely unencumbered by actual portfolios.  Freedom of mind, indeed. Humph.

There’s certainly more to discuss, but I’m moving on to a set of timely topics in the information technology world, because this place clearly isn’t going to organize itself.

BTW, I’d say that shorting the T-bill is madness if you actually expect collapse of the Euro.  Pimco stands as a lesson to us all.  The US is indeed a wonder in and of itself.  That being said and in the spirit of disclosure, I am shorting because I’m so far down on my Pimco follow (!) that now I’m just betting on a US equity-side any-kind-of-recovery netting out the same as if El Senor Bill had been right on my first go-around.  That’s OK.  No hard feelings.  I thought the same thing.  It’s good to know I wasn’t alone.

Until then,


If You Care Enough to Complain…

“If you care enough to complain…then you care enough to do it yourself.”

Last night, in conversation with a friend, both of us happily married, I offered my personal take on intramarital boundaries.

My friend then suggested that I write a book on marriage.  Ah, well, what blogger hasn’t thought of writing a book?  Certainly not this one.

Continue reading If You Care Enough to Complain…

Cathartic Blogging

Catharsis – ((psychoanalysis) purging of emotional tensions)

I started blogging because I thought I had something to say.

It’s not that I expected to be particularly well received.  It’s more that I like to think, and then to talk about what I think.  Unfortunately, I’m not really fast enough on my feet to keep up with a witty conversationalist.

I was always the kid in school who thought about what could (should) have been said at a key moment, but at home, in the shower, or gettting ready for bed.  And then it was gone forever, the opportunity to be witty.  Oh well. Continue reading Cathartic Blogging